Once again, Team Phoenix played host to the awesome Ron Balicki who travelled over from Los Angeles for a 2 day seminar in July.
As usual with Rons annual seminars here, the gym was packed out and this year was the biggest yet with over 70 people attending from all over the UK and Europe.
Day one of the seminar covered Jun Fan, Kali and Thai Boxing and day two covered Silat, Panantukan and Shoot wrestling.
Ron explains and demonstrates techniques with the ease you would expect from one of the greatest and most experienced martial artists in the world. He is also however, very good at breaking things down in order for people of any level to clearly understand.
He splits the techniques up then layers them in order for people to stay at a level they feel comfortable with whilst allowing them to advance if they want to.
Ron is a fantastic personality and a natural at creating a really good atmosphere in seminars. He has just so much knowledge to share. Its a true privilege to have him at Team Phoenix. The whole weekend was brilliant with lots of old friends making their way to Newcastle from across the UK and it was also a chance to welcome new people to the gym who had made the effort to travel a long way in order to train with Ron.
We had a typically mad Newcastle night out on the saturday too!
All in all an amazing weekend, roll on next year!