Monday 6 June 2011

Supremacy 2: New British Champion :)

Congratulations to Chrissy Quinn and Wayne lewis who fought on Michael Surtees top Northeast Promotion Supremacy Fight challenge 2.
Chrissy had a very tough first round and despite winning the round on the judges scorecard, he sustained a serious fracture to his orbital bone and the medic refused to let him continue (although Chrissy wanted too). No one wants to loose on a doctor stoppage, but Chrissy's superb performance earned him semi-pro fighter of the night. Well done mate.

Wayne lewis brought his semi-pro record to 4-0-0 and won the Semi-Pro british Title. Having had some very tough opposition in previous fights, one of which saw Wayne stopping the excellent James brown in 56 seconds, this should on paper, have been straightforward, however his opponent, a very game Onur Cagler was the first person to take Wayne out of the first round and make him work, work, work (Just as it should be in a Title Fight) but Waynes skills and conditioning seen him through to win by triangle that was an almost carbon copy of the finish in his fight against Brown.
Very proud of Wayne, he deserved the shot and deserved the win, good work gadget!