Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Bad Company Seminar September 22nd 2012

places and payments are now being taken for the annual Bad Company Seminar at Team Phoenix. Its open to anyone from any gym.
please contact the gym for more info and to reserve a space!

Aer-Con Friday evenings

Aerial conditioning!

As most of the Team Phoenix crew know, our amazing Aerial coaches Colm & mona hold a regular friday night Aerial conditioning class from 6pm-7pm at the gym.

These classes are open to anyone (not just members of Team Phoenix or phoenix aerial). These are two of the top Aerialists in Europe and know their conditioning! Its very unique and certainly different but our fighters and students alike all benefit from the wealth of experience colm and mona have in this field.
please pass the word on and come and see for yourself what you are capable of!

you can check out Colm Scott-Baird, Mona McCarthy and Alex Wiles on you tube...see for yourself what they can do and in turn, get you doing!!!

Supremacy FC7

Supremacy fight challenge 7, Gateshead August 4th 2012

Paul Gregson made his pro-debut at lightweight on the seventh installment of Supremacy FC, winning via key lock in round one!
Very proud of Paul's attitude to training and his determination. He has only had 4 fights at semi-pro but his dominant style is just much more suited to pro rules, he rose to the challenge brilliantly, as we knew he would!